When I was still young in the Lord, I used to think that people grow spiritually by praying and fasting only.But later on I realized that we grow in the Lord through participating in the things of God. I realized that we grow through pressure and responsibility. Praying and fasting only is not enough for you. You need to be exposed to pressure and responsibility.

Jesus noticed that his disciples were not growing by just following Him and he sent them to preach alone two by two .Mtw10 v1ff.
All those who want my God to bless you and take you to greater heights ,i say love my God and His work not his blessings.

Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu and Bishop Eunor Guti
The God I worship said to me " I shall rise many young Ezekiels who will continue with this mighty work I have started with you Ezekiel"
I therefore say to young people love my God and give yourselves fully to His service and you will see yourself growing inside you.

Do not criticize your leaders,rather pray for them you are not in the position of God. Gen 50 v19.
You lose your blessings by talking bad things about those in authority. I told you about that friend of mine. I told him that I will not pay tithes because the Pastor was not treating me well. But my friend was a good man,he touched my hand and said " you are not giving to man but God"

If you want to see people who are immature in God,you listen to what they say. They avoid responsibility and criticize others. When I was a young Pastor some people used to avoid the meetings I used to call for so that they find the bases of opposing me.But where are they? They become bitter and died. Do not criticize God's work you die young my children.